Captain Marvel MAY Be Directed By Angelina Jolie

Before I dive in here with this let me just preface that all this IS NOT CONFIRMED JUST RUMOUR AND SPECULATION. Right so you have been fully prepared for this. According to ever-reliable source(hint of sarcasm for you) of OK! Magazine, Angelina Jolie is being eyed to direct Marvel Studios’ first female-led superhero film, Captain Marvel, with a $20 million paycheck made to her!

The OK! article claims to have been in contact with a reliable source that works for Marvel, who made the following remarks: “Having  female director is a priority for them. She never thought she’d be in such huge demand as a director, and to be courted by Marvel after the Sony fiasco is a huge pat on the back.” The source also notes that Disney/Marvel where impressed with Jolie’s work
on Unbroken. 

Now let us look at this with a microscope. First and for most a $20 million paycheck is a bit much but it is Marvel who at this stage just basically prints out their own money so that is not a problem. Second even though Unbroken was a divide among critics Jolie would still have probably two years to gain enough experience in the director’s chair that she would be a worthy candidate. Third it would be awesome getting a female director in the mix as this industry need more of them! Fourth and probably last, it would only drive more numbers to cinemas as her name alone brings quite a lot of numbers! BUT this all just speculation at this point in time so don’t be holding your breath. I think it will either be this year’s Comic Con or the next or between where Marvel dish out who plays who, and who directs what!

Captain Marvel is to be released July 6, 2018!

Source: OK! Magazine