New STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS Set Photos; Episode VIII Star Date; Characters Confirmed

The cover of the latest issue of Vanity Fair features some of the cast of J.J. Abrams’ Star Wars: The Force Awakens in character. There’s Daisy Ridley as Rey, John Boyega as Finn, Harrison Ford as Han Solo; along with Chewie and BB8. 
Below you’ll find a great batch of new official images from Star Wars: The Force Awakens courtesy of Vanity Fair and they’re quite revealing indeed. It seems J.J. Abrams has decided to let a few items slip free from his “mystery box”, as these stills confirm that it is indeed Adam Driver under the mask of the sinister Kylo Ren. Plus we see Lupita Nyong’o shooting scenes as her still unnamed mo-cap character, possibly Maz Kanata, and a whole host of new aliens and creatures. There’s also a BTS video featuring comments from Abrams and some of the cast.

Now that we have confirmation that Adam Driver would be playing the villainous ‘Kylo Ren’ in the much-anticipated seventh installment in the Star Wars saga. We also got a look at several of Driver’s co-stars, including Lupita Nyong’o filming mo-cap scenes. Now it seems we can tick Gwendoline Christie’s character off of the list of unnamed roles. A new image taken from the Star Wars Vanity Fair issue appears to confirm that she will play “First Order Officer, Captain Phasma”.

The British government formally announced Monday that episode eight of the Star Wars franchise will be shot at Pinewood Studios just outside of London.

“Pleased to announce #StarWarsVIII will be filmed here in UK @PinewoodStudios – great news for @starwars fans & our UK creative industries,” tweeted George Osborne, the U.K. Chancellor of the Exchequer, the British equivalent of the secretary of the Treasury. Osborne also trumped up the $152 million (₤100 million) inward investment and 3,000 jobs the production will bring.

The news comes on Star Wars Day (May the Fourth), but also coincidentally a bank holiday Monday in the U.K. Lucasfilm and Disney representatives couldn’t immediately be reached. Pinewood declined to comment.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens, opens in theaters December 18, 2015. Star Wars: The Force Awakens is directed by J.J. Abrams from a screenplay by Lawrence Kasdan & Abrams, and features a cast including actors John Boyega, Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver, Oscar Isaac, Andy Serkis, Academy Award winner Lupita Nyong’o, Gwendoline Christie, Crystal Clarke, Pip Andersen, Domhnall Gleeson, and Max von Sydow. They will join the original stars of the saga, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill, Anthony Daniels, Peter Mayhew, and Kenny Baker. The film is being produced by Kathleen Kennedy, J.J. Abrams, and Bryan Burk, and John Williams returns as the composer. Star Wars: The Force Awakens is Episode VII in the Star Wars Saga

"Chewie We’re Home"; The Second Star Wars: The Force Awakens Trailer HAS DROPPED!!

The first full trailer for Disney and Lucasfilm’s Star Wars: The Force Awakens dropped today during the opening of Star Wars Celebration Live, a four-day orgy of all things Jedi at the Anaheim Convention Center.
“Chewie we’re home.” And yes we are HAN SOLO!!!
The trailer was revealed during the panel, where director J.J. Abrams and producer Kathleen Kennedy sat down before a packed crowd. They showed off some of the droids (new and old) and dished about lead actors Oscar Isaac, Daisy Ridley and John Boyega who showed up onstage to answer fan questions. A bit of clarity on the plot shown here: Isaac plays an X-wing fighter pilot “sent on a mission by a certain princess,” Isaac said today, who meets Boyega’s stormtrooper and “their fates are forever intertwined.”

This is the first shots of the pic since the 88-second teaser that dropped in November as it began playing in North American theaters. It revealed little plot but it did give fans their first real look at stormtroopers, droids, X-wing fighters, that new light saber and the Millennium Falcon.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens has a  December 18 release date, followed down the line by at least two more episodes (Star Wars Episode VIII has a May 26, 2017 release date already) and spinoff pics starting with Star Wars: Rogue One (December 16, 2016).

THE FLASH Producers Hope to Bring Mark Hamill’s Trickster Back Again

During a roundtable interview with reporters Friday, The Flash showrunner Andrew Kreisberg admitted that there are plans to bring back Mark Hamill’s Trickster beyond just this week’s episode, perhaps to team him with

“Yes, that is the plan. What’s so fun for us and why we were again so grateful to Mark for wanting to be part of this is, when I sit down and I think of Wentworth Miller and Mark in a scene together and watching the dichotomy of them,” admitted Kreisberg.

Miller plays Captain Cold on the series and is expected to be one of the stars of the forthcoming, as-yet-untitled spinoff series featuring Firestorm and The Atom.

“I think that sometimes there’s a tendency to just spit out the same villain week in and week out on these shows and for us, having people who are so different and having people who have powers and having people who are slightly unhinged but geniuses, it’s…that’s the other reason we wanted to do the Trickster, too,” Kreisberg said. “You have so many villains who have these amazing abilities, either because they’re metahumans or because they have this incredible weaponry. And what was always cool about The Trickster on both series is that he was smart. No matter how crazy he was, he was smart and he thought like four steps ahead. Watching The Flash and our team going up against somebody brilliant, a lot of the times our shows are about how to chemically or scientifically or how The Flash can use his powers to stop somebody, but this time it was, they really [have] to outthink him.”

Hamill, who first played The Trickster in 1990’s The Flash, will return to the role on Tuesday night in an episode that also gives him a chance to drop a memorable line from Star Wars, another project to which Hamill recently returned.

“Just the idea of being asked to play a part decades later,” Hamill joked at the same screening. “…I mean, that never happens!”

Mark Hamill Talks THE JOKER Role

During an interview with reporters in Burbank, Mark Hamill — who will guest star on Tuesday’s episode of The Flash — said that his long-running voice role as The Joker in Batman: The Animated Series and a number of follow-ups was one he didn’t believe he could get since the character was so diametrically different from Luke Skywalker that it would have been difficult to market.

How did it come up? Well, here’s a brief excerpt from a much longer interview with Hamill and The Flash showrunner Andrew Kreisberg, the remainder of which will run closer to the episode’s airdate on Tuesday.

So who would win in a fight, The Trickster or The Joker?

Gee, that’s a tough one. You know, I played The Trickster before I ever voiced The Joker and people asked me, “Is that what made them think of you for the animated series?” And it’s not. I mean, as you probably know, the television department and the movie department and the animation department are all separate entities and they doin’t really coordinate. I had read about them doing the animated series and the benchmark they were aiming for were the Max Fleischer Superman cartoons. And Paul Dini was involved, so I said, “Oh, boy, they’re going to get this right.” There were sixty-five episodes ordered so it would be able to go beyond just the villain of the week. He could be a detective, he could do mysteries, he coudl do gothic horror, he could do all kinds of things.

So I said to my agent, “I just want to be on that.” And they gave me a part in the “Heart of Ice” episode, which was the first Mr. Freeze. It won an Emmy, that script, because when I read it I thought, “Wow, this is really melancholy.” And deep for a children’s cartoon where the empathy is all with the villain who is trying to find a way to preserve his wife who has this fatal disease.

So they just gave me that, and I just went in with full fanboy flags flying. I just nerded out. I knew all the characters. And it wasn’t really a character role. Michael Ansara played Mr. Freeze and it was difficult for him because he’s not really a comic book fan and they kept telling him, that’s too much emotion. He’s a passionate actor.

Anyway, I did that, and — actors, they’re never satisfied. I got on the show, and it was like, “How come I’m not Mr. Freeze?” And I guess they thought of me later down the road when they decided to cast The Joker. Unlike the first episode that they just gave me, that one I went in and I read for. And part of the reason I felt like I was in the right frame of mind is that I said, there’s no way I’m going to get this. They just will not cast the guy who played this icon of virtue, this sort of farm boy puppy dog guy, with this arch icon of villainy. There’s just no way. From a public relations standpoint, I can’t get this. So instead of being nervous about it, I went in thinking, “Since they can’t hire me, I’m going to make them really sorry that they can’t.” And as I’m driving out of the parking lot, I’m thinking, “Ha! Top that! That’s the best Joker they’re ever going to hear!” Really cocky and full of myself.

And of course, ten days later I got the call, they want me to be The Joker. And I was like, “Oh no! I can’t do this!” She said, “Why not?” I said, it’s too big. Joker’s too big. If I were Two-Face or somebody down the line…. I said, I know the fans hear it in their head. There’s no way I can satisfy that. I can’t scratch that itch. I went 180 degrees in the other direction.

So I’m driving into the first recording and I don’t even remember what I did! I’m practicing the laugh on the way to the studio, forgetting that they have reference tapes that they can play.

In Los Angeles, by the way, no one bats an eye if you’re laughing maniacally behind the wheel of your car.

But they really weren’t connected. It’s just fun. I feel so lucky to be involved in projects that are things that I loved when I was a kid. I remember watching Walt Disney, where they would show you how cartoons were made, with Clarence Nash doing Donald Duck. So at seven or eight years old, I thought, “Wow.” It made me watch cartoons in a completely different way. Or like, that guy on Jack Benny! That’s Bug Bunny! I recognized Mel Blanc, I bought comedy records, I learned the names of June Foray and Daws Butler and people that I really loved. I aspired to do cartoons. I got to it fairly late in my career. I did one when I was a teenager but then I didn’t work in animation for twenty years and then I did Joker.

But boy, is it a great job! It’s the ultimate lazy actor’s job: You don’t have to memorize your lines, you can come in looking like hell. They don’t care how you look; they care about how you sound. And the people involved are just so grounded. They’re just so talented. It’s cutthroat like any part of show business but I think proportionately, there’s a lot of really nice people in voiceover and I love it.

The Flash airs on Tuesday at 8 p.m. ET/PT on The CW.

Andrew Kreisberg Talks "Tricksters" And Mark Hamill Chats Working With John Wesley Shipp Again

Mark Hamill returns to the role of James Jesse, the Trickster, more than twenty years after his last appearance on 1990’s The Flash, in which he starred with John Wesley Shipp, who plays Henry Allen in the show’s current iteration.

Following a screening of this week’s episode of The Flash, titled “Tricksters,” Hamill and The Flash showrunner Andrew Kreisberg joined a group of reporters for a Q&A about the episode.

You can check out a selection of questions from that interview below. Hamill joins The Flash in Tuesday’s episode, which airs at 8 p.m. ET/PT on The CW.

Can you talk a little bit about how they got you to be on this version of The Flash and what you thought of when it came up?

Mark Hamill: Well, I’m a fan, you know? I loved the comics when I was a kid and I watched the original series before Danny Bilson and Paul DeMeo, who I should mention, and the casting director April Webster, I don’t know whose idea it was, called me and got in touch with me and asked me to come over to meet and see if I wanted to do something on the show. If it weren’t for Danny Bilson and Paul De Meo, I’m sure I wouldn’t be here at all, but…

Andrew Kreisberg: I wouldn’t be here.

Hamill: But of course then when this version came on, my daughter Chelsea is a big fan and I watched it from the first episode. In fact, I even thought, since they were doing Mirror Master and Weather Wizard and various other Rogues Gallery characters, I wonder if they’re going to do The Trickster.

And then I got a call from my business people saying that they wanted me to do something on The Flash. And I was thinking, like a colleague of John Wesley Shipp’s, a professor, something age-appropriate, you know? I’m not getting back into that one-piece jumpsuit, you know? The spandex deal.

So I said, “Who do they want me to play?” And when they said The Trickster, I just couldn’t believe it. I couldn’t figure out how that could be, unless it’s some kind of weird time-travel episode, I don’t know.

I was very skeptical but then I called Andrew and the one thing that impressed me about the show is how smart the writing is. I mean, it’s got the fantasy element and the comic book elements but it’s really strong in characters, I think. The backstory of the father wrongly accused, from the very first episode that’s really a strong hold on the audience. And you get to know so much about the personal lives of these characters. So I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised when they had such an ingenious idea as having Devon Graye play a new Trickster with me appealing to — all of these villains have unwieldy egos.

And it worked! When I read the script, I said, “Who’s this punk getting all my stuff?” I reacted just like I was in character. Because he gets to do all of the fun, Trickster-y things with all the parachute bombs and whatnot…

Kreisberg: This time.

Hamill: Oh! Okay. Well, as far as I’m concerned, I am just so enamored of this young actor, Devon Graye. I just think he’s so vulnerable. When I was on set, I did the EPK — the electronic press kit — just before we did our last scene….

Now I’d seen Devon working and I thought he was very very good, but there was a take where he confesses his devotion for me and he was so real, it was astonishing, how troubled a kid this was. I’m just doing my crazy comic book guy; it’s just not tethered to reality in my mind, and he brought it so close to home in terms of how emotionally damaged he was, I’m telling you, it just moved me beyond words.

And I felt bad, because in the electronic press kit, I went on and on about comic books and I didn’t mention Devon at all; I’m just so sorry because I think the world of him and as far as I’m concerned, he’s a worthy successor.

Kreisberg: Devon actually starred in the pilot I did with Paul and Danny at Syfy.

Hamill: Is that right?

Kreisberg: Yeah. Red Faction.

Hamill: He’s just tremendous. But all of the cast. One thing that struck me is how happy everyone seems to be. They all get along, and it’s just a happy set. And having been on sets that weren’t quite as happy, it makes the world of difference. I only got to work with Grant and Jesse and Candice, so Danielle and Carlos and Tom…well, Rick was in the scene, the mayor scene. And by the way, the mayor is played by Vito D’Ambrosio, who was one of the original cops on the ’90s Flash. I kept thinking, “This guy looks familiar.” [Laughs] Couldn’t quite place it!

Kreisberg: You blew up his car!

Hamill: I did. You’d think I’d remember that. I actually had to ask him, “Why do you look so familiar to me?” Because this happens in this business I’m sure all the time: Do I know this person, or have I just seen him in a play or a movie?

And he said, “Mark, it’s me, it’s Vito.” And I felt so embarrassed, but what great sense of continuity. I’m just very pleased and honored that they would think of me at all. And they were very gracious in terms of letting me play around and having a few of my own little…I was throwing those things out there. That’s very much like Paul and Danny because they were comic book fans, too, and we were all on the same wavelength.

Usually I save it so you see it in rehearsal and you can say “Don’t do that,” or if they don’t say anything just let it go and Ralph Hamaker who directed this episode was very congenial. What we would do is I would try to do it a little different each time so they had the different puzzle pieces and they could put them together in any way they like. It’s just fun, it’s just fun and so if it stops being fun I’ll stop doing it, but I had a great time.

The last time though, we did it just over here on the Warner Bros. lot and I was just in awe of their history, you know? John Garfield and Jimmy Cagney and all that, and the backlot is just one of my favorite golden age studios. I was already saying yes to this before I realized you guys were in Vancouver. And nothing against Vancouver; I love that city. I usually love wherever I am; I hate getting there. It’s awful, the airports and all of that.

Just the idea of being asked to play a part decades later. I mean, that never happens!

Was it easy for you to take on this role again? Was it fun for you to jump back into that wild and crazy mindset?

I loved it, but it is intimidating. It’s like, the thing is, they asked me to do a cameo on The Neighbors, which was a series that I loved. Sort of a variation on Third Rock From the Sun, but very clever and witty and when they asked me to do the cameo, I said I’m going to ruin the show, for myself anyway. Because once you go down and you’re on the set and you meet all the people, even though you know it’s not real, it’s like going down to see a live recording of All in the Family or something; you’ll never see it the same way again as when you’re seeing it in the studio. So I didn’t want to show up and ruin a series I liked, and that’s the danger. But I thought, “Well, if it’s really terrible, it’s only one episode so they can survive me.” But yeah, it was terribly intimidating until I got there. Once you get into the spirit of it, it’s like slipping into a comfortable pair of tennis shoes.

Is there any chance we’ll ever see The Trickster in a scene with the other Rogues?

Kreisberg: …Sir?

Yes, that is the plan. What’s so fun for us and why we were again so grateful to Mark for wanting to be part of this is, when I sit down and I think of Wentworth Miller and Mark in a scene together and watching the dichotomy of them…

I think that sometimes there’s a tendency to just spit out the same villain week in and week out on these shows and for us, having people who are so different and having people who have powers and having people who are slightly unhinged but geniuses, it’s…that’s the other reason we wanted to do the Trickster, too. You have so many villains who have these amazing abilities, either because they’re metahumans or because they have this incredible weaponry. And what was always cool about The Trickster on both series is that he was smart. No matter how crazy he was, he was smart and he thought like four steps ahead. Watching The Flash and our team going up against somebody brilliant, a lot of the times our shows are about how to chemically or scientifically or how The Flash can use his powers to stop somebody, but this time it was, they really have to outthink him.

Hamill: One of the things that happened in the original run was, they were sort of avoiding costumed heroes in the beginning. And my older son, I remember he didn’t come down one week til I said, “Come down, The Flash is on.” And he said, “When he fights the villains, what are they going to do? Run? I told that story to Danny Bilson because he was fighting like motorcycle gangs and gangsters and stuff like that. You need to have a super adversary to match the extraordinary powers of The Flash.

Kreisberg: That’s what we go through every week, and it’s funny becuase Warner Bros. has been so incredibly supportive obviously to do Arrow and The Flash but then as soon as we say, “Okay, we’re going to have the villains on,” they’re like, “Ehh…”

They kind of get worried about the villains being too cartoony or they look back and it’s like the Batman ’66 stink. We said, if The Flash can move at super-speed, he can’t just be fighting bank robbers. Or if he is fighting bank robbers, they have to be able to do something pretty special. Again, that’s one of the reason The Trickster in the comics and in the old show and hopefully people will think on our show is so cool, is because he doesn’t have any of that, he’s just really smart and he’s able to use that smartness to outthink the gang.

Mark, you were one of the highest-profile fanboys before there were high-profile fan boys. Now that geek culture is so “cool,” what does it mean to you to be here in this moment?

Like you say, I was back remembering when they were trying to get the film version of Batman made. And I knew they wanted it to be dark and like the original concept before it got stamped with that sort of Adam West look and feel. And I’m someone who loved the Adam West version. For little kids, I think that’s the perfect entry point for comic book shows and I don’t think anyone’s ever been more delicious than Frank Gorshin as The Riddler; I just absolutely adored him.

But I never would have believed that it would become a whole genre of film. I’ve seen the slow evolution. As Andrew points out, they shied away. I remember them announcing in the trades that the film version of Batman and Robin has been cast with Bill Murray as Batman and Eddie Murphy as Robin. Michael Uslan told me there was a  time when they were going to go full-on comedy with it.

And as much as I would love to see that film, and I would, I’m really happy that they were able to do comic book properties that are aimed at an older and smarter audience.

Kreisberg: What was interesting on the old show and I’ve always said this is, look at Frank Gorshin. If Frank Gorshin at the end of one of those scenes had slit somebody’s throat, nobody would be saying he was silly. It wasn’t the performance and it wasn’t the costumes; it was the stakes always felt so small and again, that’s what’s so fun about what we can do now. We can have somebody like Mark come in and do their thing, but you see how dangerous it is and I think that’s what keeps it grounded and real and scary and fun.

Hamill: I remember when I was on General Hospital and Kerwin Matthews came in to play a doctor and I just freaked out. It was Sinbad! I said, “Can I interview you some day?” And we got together after work one day and I had a tape recorder and I asked him all my questions and it got printed in a fanzine called FXRH: Film Effects By Ray Harryhausen. And it’s kind of a collectible now because it’s Kerwin Matthews being interviewed by me, and this was in probably ’72.

I went to one of the very first Comic Cons, which was like 300 people in the basement of a hotel.

Kreisberg: That’s like a slow party at Comic Con.

Hamill: Now, it’s like be careful what you wish for because it’s just chaotic down there.

Kreisberg: Can you walk the floor? Do you ever put a disguise on, or…?

I made Comic Book: The Movie and comic book fans are very into pretend. We were on the floor shooting, and I grew a beard and I had curly hair and it was kind of dyed sort of to look like sepia tone because Don Swan — named after Curt Swan, one of my favorite Superman artists, and I loved the rhyming because it sounded funny —  I said, “If you call me ‘Mark’ or ‘Luke,’ I can’t use it. If you call me ‘Don,’ you’ll be in the movie.”

We were just filming everything; we had five cameras and we were trying to capture real. It’s impossible. Now, with reality shows, the camera goes up and everyone is trying to perform. We were trying to get real, like the horse trading that goes on where you’re bartering for books and guys are smelling the pages and looking at the spine where the staples line up. I love all of that stuff! But you really can’t capture it the way I had envisioned it. As it turned out, we had a storyline to fall back on. We had all these improvisational actors so I thought if we didn’t get what we need, we can always fall back on the storyline.

I was a curiosity for a couple of hours, I guess, on the floor, but once they got what I was doing, I said this is an alternate reality where there are no Star Wars movies. They’re only books like Lord of the Rings at that time. That could explain why there were Storm Troopers and Princess Leias walking around, but they totally get the Earth-2 concept, so they’re more than willing to cooperate.

Obviously John’s playing a different character this time, but can you tell us the feelings you were having performing with him again, and also Andrew, writing that scene?

Kreisberg: Well, I knew there was no point in doing this if we didn’t have Mark and John in a scene together. Early on, it was one of the things that we said, early on when we were constructing the story, that The Trickster should kidnap Henry because it was a great way to satisfy both the fan in all of us but also you want Barry to really care about The Trickster.

Hamill: John Wesley on the original series — really underrated. He’s such a good actor.

…Well, he’s not underrated. He’s got a mantle full of Emmys. I don’t have a mantle full of Emmys.

And then of course Grant is, again, tremendous. He’s so likable, so natural, so perfect for this character because The Flash was always much more sunny and upbeat than some of the other, darker characters. And you couldn’t do better than having a foundation like that to build a series around.

And then Jesse Martin? Come on, that’s money in the bank. You know that guy’s done more episodes of Law & Order than Lucille did it I Love Lucy? I have lots of irritating minutia like that.

Kreisberg: Also the trenchcoat that John wears, he wore on the original show. He said, “I have this jacket that on the last day, I took, and it still fits me.”

Hamill: He didn’t ask to keep the outfit. Boy, that was murder. It was like a SCUBA outfit covered in fuzz, and the new one is just so much more practical and real. I really felt bad for him being in that thing. They try to clean it up over the weekend, you know? They’d spray Lysol. But you can imagine being in this rubber suit, you can’t send it to the dry cleaners.

Kreisberg: And he said that he would sweat so they would just squeeze it and water would come out. It was a horror.

Hamill: Exactly! But he was so accomodating. If kids came on set, he’d put the head on to pose with them. That really impressed me. You figure, you’re in this business to make people happy. So why do you suddenly get to a point where — there are people who come on set and it’s like, “Don’t look them directly in the eyes, don’t say good morning.” Really?! I gotta at least feel like everybody’s on my side, even if it’s fake. I’ll be handing out Tootsie Rolls to the crew because you have to feel like they’re on your side. You move so fast, you have to be ready for anything, and like I say, this was really a great bunch. I really enjoyed it.

Mark Hamill Returns As The Trickster In THE FLASH Season 1, Episode 17:"Tricksters"

Mark Hamill is featured in this awesome promo for next week’s episode of The Flash. The legendary actor returns as The Trickster, and well, he obviously has a few tricks up his sleeve!

MARK HAMILL (“STAR WARS”) REPRISES HIS ROLE AS THE TRICKSTER — A copycat killer who goes by the name “The Trickster” (guest star Devon Graye) starts setting off bombs in Central City. In order to stop the villain, Barry (Grant Gustin) and Joe (Jesse L. Martin) meet with the original Trickster, a criminal mastermind named James Jesse (guest star Mark Hamill), who has been imprisoned for 20 years. Things quickly go from bad to worse when the Tricksters unite and take Henry (John Wesley Shipp) prisoner. Meanwhile, Iris (Candice Patton) asks Eddie (Rick Cosnett) for help with a case, and flashbacks show how Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh) came up with the idea for the particle accelerator. Ralph Hemecker directed the episode written by Andrew Kreisberg (#117). Original airdate 3/31/2015.

The Flash airs Tuesdays at 8/7c on The CW.

New Look At Mark Hamill As ‘The Trickster’ In THE FLASH

The CW has released our first look at Mark Hamill’s upcoming appearance on “The Flash” where he will reprise the role he originated on the scarlet speedster’s 1990 TV series. Hamill will again star as a version of James Jesse, this time an incarcerated former terrorist who has traded in his Trickster spandex for a prison jumpsuit. When a copycat Trickster, played by “Dexter’s” Devon Graye, starts causing trouble in Central City, the Flash (Grant Gustin) will seek out help from Hamill’s character.

MARK HAMILL (“STAR WARS”) REPRISES HIS ROLE AS THE TRICKSTER — A copycat killer who goes by the name “The Trickster” (guest star Devon Graye) starts setting off bombs in Central City. In order to stop the villain, Barry (Grant Gustin) and Joe (Jesse L. Martin) meet with the original Trickster, a criminal mastermind named James Jesse (guest star Mark Hamill), who has been imprisoned for 20 years. Things quickly go from bad to worse when the Tricksters unite and take Henry (John Wesley Shipp) prisoner. Meanwhile, Iris (Candice Patton) asks Eddie (Rick Cosnett) for help with a case, and flashbacks show how Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh) came up with the idea for the particle accelerator. Ralph Hemecker directed the episode written by Andrew Kreisberg.

Source: Comic Book Resources

THE FLASH Season 1, Episode 17 Description; "Tricksters"

In the March 31st episode of The Flash, Mark Hamill will return as The Trickster, the character he played in the short-lived ’90s series featuring the Scarlet Speedster. Read on for details on that, and the promise of answers about Reverse-Flash’s past.

MARK HAMILL (“STAR WARS”) REPRISES HIS ROLE AS THE TRICKSTER — A copy cat killer who goes by the name “The Trickster” (guest star Devon Graye) starts setting off bombs in Central City.  In order to stop the villain, Barry (Grant Gustin) and Joe (Jesse L. Martin) meet with the original Trickster, a criminal mastermind named James Jesse (guest star Mark Hamill), who hasbeen imprisoned for 20 years.  Things quickly go from bad to worse when the Tricksters unite andtake  Henry (John Wesley Shipp) prisoner.   Meanwhile,  Iris  (Candice Patton) asks  Eddie  (RickCosnett) for help with a case, and flashbacks show how Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh) came up with the idea for the particle accelerator.  Ralph Hemecker directed the episode written by Andrew Kreisberg.

Mark Hamill Thinks We Should Manage Our Expectations

During an interview with Hero Complex, actor Mark Hamill discusses his cameo in Mathews Vaughn’s Kingsman: The Secret Service, his return as The Trickster on the CW’s The Flash, and, of course, Star Wars. Hamill will reprise the iconic role of Luke Skywalker in J.J. Abrams’ upcoming The Force Awakens, and talks about his surprise at the level of security that was necessary to prevent leaks while filming. “Oh, my God! It’s just crazy town,” he exclaimed when asked to describe his first day back on set. “First of all, the security. We had problems before with people leaking stuff, but I was saying to them, “Is it really necessary to put on this giant robe with a hood that hangs down to your chest to go from my trailer to the soundstage?” They said, “Drones.” I said, “You’re kidding! Really?”

He also assures fans that it’s all for their own good, and they’ll be glad they avoided the leaks/spoilers when the film hits theaters this December — though he seems to think they shouldn’t build it up for themselves too much. “Believe me, it will be here before you know it. Forget about it, that’s my advice. Look forward to all the summer movies. I’m telling you, it’s just a movie. These people that build it up in their minds like it’s going to be the second coming of, I don’t know what — they’re bound to be disappointed.”

Source: Hero Complex

THE FLASH: Devon Graye To Play Copycat Trickster In Mark Hamill’s Return

The CW has lined up Devon Graye, best known for his portrayal of the teenage Dexter Morgan on Dexter, to play opposite Grant Gustin and Mark Hamill in the upcoming seventeenth episode of The Flash.

Graye will play “Axel/Trickster,” a young copycat of Mark Hamill’s veteran, incarcerated con man James Jesse, also known as The Trickster.

Axel is presumably Axel Walker, the second Trickster from the comics who was created during Geoff Johns’ run. He took over for Jesse on the Rogues when Jesse had gone straight and was working with the FBI, stealing the original Trickster’s costume and weapons and acquiring some new toys to go along with them.

Based on the original reports, it’s been speculated that it will be the emergence of Axel that drives Jesse to work with the authorities, in a kind of Hannibal Lecter capacity to help take down his imitator.

Here’s how they described the episode at the time of the Hamill announcement:

“In this new iteration, The Trickster is an anarchist terrorist con man serving a life sentence in Iron Heights who helps Barry (Grant Gustin) and Det. West (Jesse L. Martin) to foil the city-wide attacks of a wannabe Trickster eagerly following in the original’s deadly footsteps. The episode will reunite him with John Wesley Shipp who went up against him as the original ‘Flash’ on the CBS version.”

An exact airdate or title for episode seventeen isn’t yet known. The Flash returns to The CW with new episodes on Tuesday at 8 p.m. ET/PT.