JOHN WICK 2 in Development According to Directors Chad Stahelski and David Leitch

Speaking to, directors Chad Stahelski and David Leitch say they’re already in development on a John Wick sequel, and while they didn’t go into any specifics or say if Keanu Reeves would return to play the merciless killer, they did note that they had ideas for the sequel and know how they would up the action. The challenge is keeping John Wick compelling to audiences. Stahelski explains:

“We have ideas for days and without blinking twice we know we can outdo the action from the original,” Stahelski said. “It’s the matter of story and how much you like the character. That’s always the most important. If there’s great action but you have a character that no one likes and doesn’t have charisma you’re not going to watch it. Look at any great action star, whether it’s Harrison Ford or Liam Neeson or Robert Downey Jr., pick a name, you love the guy first. Good action, bad action, you just love them in action. So we want to make sure we have a story and a character that everybody loves and then we’ll dress it with action that we promise will be awesome.”
