Josh Hutcherson Talks Possible SPIDER-MAN Role

Now just three weeks later after the news broke out of good ole Spider-Man swinging into the MCU, many have wondered who would play the web-slinger. In many conversations there was two candiates Dylan O’Brien and Logan Lerman. But now Hunger Games actor Josh Hutcherson has chimed in. “Yeah, of course I’d think about doing it,” Hucherson told Yahoo! last week. “It’s Spider-Man, that’d be really cool. There’s not been any conversations about that, but who knows what would happen.” While previously in contention, the 22-year-old had admitted that even though he wasn’t much of a comic book reader, he did grow up watching Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man movies. And beyond expressing interest in countless other interviews, Hutcherson went all out for his Amazing Spider-Man audition tape, which was released online and can be seen below. Therefore, it’s no huge surprise that he’s still open to the big commitment. However, there are only two actors who have been mentioned for the role, which will likely debut in Marvel’s Captain America: Civil War (May 6, 2016) before the standalone movie (July 28, 2017): Logan Lerman and Dylan O’Brien, both of whom had also expressed interest in Spidey years ago.