MARVEL STUDIOS: Kristen Stewart Wants In On Captain America!

While talking with Yahoo Movies the Twilight star Kristen Stewart expressed her interest in the superhero genre in films and wishes to get a role in with Captain America!

“I love watching those movies,” she revealed. “I would love to show people that I can do more than just be ‘Kristen Stewart’ in a different movie, in a different circumstance.” So, following her first taste of the action genre in Snow White and the Huntsman alongside Avengers: Age of Ultron star Chris Hemsworth back in 2012, which Marvel Studios franchise is Stewart interested in? “I’m sure I could get on board with Captain America, you know what I mean?… It would just have to be the right thing.”

So could this actually happen, while it could but we will have to see and wait for casting calls and other stuff. It looks to me that she would be very much up for a role and therefore play the hell out of it, so I think this could work but her disadvantage is her past films that may deter some fans could end in a catastrophe !