Little is known about James Mangold’s sequel to The Wolverine, though it has been reported that the sequel will feature some sort of team-up between Hugh Jackman’s Logan and Patrick Stewart’s Professor X.

Regardless, The Wrap reports Michael Green is set to write the movie for Fox and is working closely with Mangold on putting the project together. Green is no stranger to the world of comic books after working on Smallville and Heroes, while he’s one of the many writers credited for Green Lantern too. He also penned a draft of The Flash a number of years ago, but his most recent projects include the Blade Runner and Prometheus sequels.

Mangold’s focus is now said to be on The Wolverine 2 (or 3 if you include X-Men Origins: Wolverine) after his next movie – The Deep Blue Goodbye – was put on hold due to an injury suffered by Christian Bale. This movie is still set for 2017 regardless.

Source: The Wrap

Hugh Jackman’s "One Last Time" Is WOLVERINE 3

While it was initially unclear whether Hugh Jackman was referring to Bryan Singer’s X-Men: Apocalypse or James Mangold’s sequel to The Wolverine, it appears he was referring to the latter.

It appears that Hugh Jackman’s last Wolverine film will be the third solo Wolverine film! This comes from the director of the third, James Mangold, as he took to his Twitter(see above) to confirm that Jackman’s swan song as the ferocious Wolverine will be his third solo outing! The third Wolverine film is currently slated to arrive in theaters on March 3, 2017. It should be important to note that filming on X-Men: Apocalypse has yet to start so a phone call from Bryan Singer could change everything. Filming on Apocalypse is expected to start next month and the film currently has a May 27, 2016 release date.

The Wrap also reports that their inside sources are telling them that Hugh Jackman is referring to a follow-up to The Wolverine and not X-Men: Apocolaypse.

Source: TheWrap