FAN STUFF SUNDAY #7: The Trinity of Fan Stuff!

For the seventh Fan Stuff Sunday I have decided to collect art from the, what I call, Trinity of Fan Stuff! We are talking Alex Luthor, Boss Logic, and to round out the group Lord Mesa! Luthor has brought us Batman V Superman, Punisher Netflix, and Star Wars V Star Trek. Boss has delivered a mountain of art to quench the soul. Mesa has given us a plethora of adorableness.

Boss’ Mountain of Art:

Mesa’s Plethora:

DAREDEVIL Teases "The Defenders" Plus DeKnight Wants PUNISHER Series

Netflix has released a new “The First Defender” promotional video for Marvel’s Dardevil.

The video shows some of the action we’ve seen from previous trailer, but references Daredevil as the “The First Defender.” The Defenders is the superhero crossover team that will be formed by Netflix’s Marvel heroes – Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Iron First. The “First Defender” line also invites comparison between Daredevil and Captain America, “The First Avenger.”

Daredevil also makes a quip about his costume being a “work in progress,” which fans will surely enjoy.

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The rise of the first Defender. #Daredevil
Posted by Marvel’s Daredevil on Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Daredevil is still a week and a half away from release and showrunner Steven S. DeKnight is already thinking about what other Marvel characters would fit into dark, Netflix corner of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Turns out Frank Castle, the Punisher, is on top of that list. DeKnight thinks a Punisher television series, with an R-rated tone, is something that could work well on Netlfix.
“I’ve been a huge fan of the Punisher comics for years,” DeKnight tells SciFiNow.”I’d love to see him get his due on a platform like this. Nothing would delight me more than to see the Punisher get his own show and maybe we could convince Marvel to go Hard-R rating. If any character deserves an R rating, it’s the Punisher.”
There have been previous attempts to bring the Punisher to live action. Dolph Lundgren starred in the 1989 The Punisher movie, and Thomas Jane took up the role in 2004’s The Punisher and 2008’s Punisher: War Zone. The films didn’t achieve the success the studios involved with them had hoped for, and they allowed the film rights to revert back to Marvel. That means that if Marvel thinks this is as good an idea as DeKnight does, it’s a possibility.